Aims and Ambitions - #002

Potential Socials!

Hey all, like I said in the last post, I wanted to go through what I wanted to eventually work towards and create. I’ve been looking into making the following;

Short Term Goals

  1. Etsy

  2. This website (obviously)

  3. Patreon

  4. My own shop for digital 3D work

  5. My own shop for traditional 2D work

  6. Licensing artwork

  7. Possibly start photography to learn composition

Longer term goals

  1. My own stationery

  2. Small animal rescue funded by my art

So yes.. I’ve got a lot on my plate but I am also massively invested in creating something from my love of art. I am looking to find new friends and inspirations along the way and help build everyone up.


First Blog Post! - #001


Haul from Jackson’s Art! - #004